“I was once a purposeful but meandering fish with varying sea changes, as the currents carried me over time: as the daughter of a successful Fisher Price toy designer, then as a young English grad and songwriter, then as a longtime commercial and video producer, and now as a professional designer and copywriter. But in retrospect, it’s all been under the same sunlit surface: Storytelling.” - As told to Creative Circle
Scroll down to see my work.
Professional: In addition to copywriting and conceptual design, I have a strong creative backbone in communication and project management, having been a Producer and Account Director for esteemed ad agency clients such as BBDO, JWT, Moxie & Ogilvy, and Fortune 500s like Home Depot & UPS, on both broadcast and digital projects. I also have a certificate in UX/UI and a degree in English. I hold high respect for time/budget and have the industry knowledge to back it up.
Personal: In a previous chapter, I toured as a songwriter playing stages like The Fillmore in San Francisco and House of Blues in L.A. I’ve marched the streets of my home city of Atlanta for human & equal rights, and caught a photo of the honorable Rep. John Lewis just before his passing. Just before the pandemic, I took a solo spontaneous trip to Florence and Rome, wandering the streets with no itinerary. While I appreciated the history and monuments, I relished more in the energy of pedestrians, their dogs joyfully responding to Italian commands, birds in motion, and street musicians.
I believe in discussing mental health openly, and I see the personality in all living beings, especially appreciating the intelligence of those we take for granted: the crow, the octopus.
My journeys all relate - constructing stories, bringing ideas to life.
~ Kit