To: Aletia B. Martin

Hi Aletia!

Thanks so much for a great call! I have wrapped up the details we discussed below in the Bid Terms for Hustle Butter; please check out the agreement and let me know if this all sounds like a good plan. You had mentioned (including the decks) between 25-30 hours, so I put down 27 hours for now.

General info: My main tools are Canva for both graphics and video, and Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator if needed (however, as we discussed, Canva is the fastest route and will be used the most). I can also design and build websites for you if needed; the platform I use is SquareSpace and many examples of sites I’ve built in addition to this one can be found in the Design section. I have an English degree so I am passionate about copywriting, my UX certificate is crucial as a backbone for all work, and tattoos are my passion, so this would be a wonderful match of vendor and client.

All rates include my expertise in project management; I am always very serious about delivering on time and budget! I will, of course, stay in touch with regular check-ins with you, so that you are aware of how the design is coming and approving it as we go. Happy to answer any questions, clarify anything, or update anything to come to terms that work for both of us. Please see below the content pillars you sent me, for the bid itself and its terms. Thanks again for considering me!

Content Pillars:

Product Showcase:

Deluxe – 3 posts

Bubbles – 2 posts

Helper – 1 post

CBD – 2 posts

Find Us at Ulta – 1 post

Bundles – 2 posts

                Company Origin / Culture / Sustainability – 4 posts

                Education / HustleU / Tattoo Care / FAQs – 4 posts

                Artist Showcase (Pre-designed template) – 3 posts

                Influencer / UGC (We have access to a shared folder with all of the influencer assets) – 3 posts

                Testimonials (Pre-designed template) – 4 posts

Total posts per deck: 28 – 30

We generally schedule 3-4 posts per week, so a deck this size would get us through 6 weeks.

Here’s how a typical deck cycle would look:

                Week 1: Plan and create content

                Week 2: Internal review and initial client presentation

                Week 3 & 4: Client review and edits

                Week 5: Finalize the deck and begin scheduling posts

                Week 6: Complete any scheduling